

One of my hobbies is writing poetry. If you are a Christian rapper or a Christian singer. I would love to work with you. Please don’t steal my rhymes, I’m pretty sure there copyrighted anyway. Some of my rhymes might come across as bragging, but my spirit is humble, I promise. 



God’s people hold the title

as written in the holy bible



God’s word is 100 percent

So keep it 100 with your friends



Warn the wicked

God is something different

always holy, no switchin

tell the Devil, I’m snitchin



Faith ain’t blind

the stage is mine

it’s just a matter of time



Invest in my rhymes like the stock market

Cause the spirit says they on target

They better than the box office

so tell the wicked I ain’t stoppin

Just ask God when the album droppin



Oh you don’t like rappers

Well God’s word is strong so I talk faster



This is a good year

who’s tears

my eyes fail with God’s fear

Because a broken heart is how you draw near



God over money

is the standard homie

That and your soul gotta stay lowly

God says to judge the poor was to know me

So if you sleepy on the needy then I call you phony



in the fear of God is confidence

So keeping his word is common sense

the problem is

you live in sin and it’s obvious



God’s Knowledge

is better than college

Just ask God when the album droppin

I hate the world I had to drop out

For God’s glory no doubt



Everything earthly

is hurting

he makes sinners worthy

even though they undeserving



The righteous flourish as a branch

In God’s love like an avalanche

today could be your last chance



This is a great life

that’s why those fakes fight

but when the real grab the mic

we never get stage fright



God’s favorite

cause I stick to the manuscript

That’s why I ‘m the man at this

not bragging that’s just what the standard is



I’m on God’s team for a reason

We win the super bowl and they take preseason

The Lord is MVP forever

won the souls under pressure

so praising him is a pleasure

when will we stop, O never



God turns the impossible

Into probable

Beating us is illogical

We’re simply unstopable




You quote phillipians

but live in sin again

God’s word are you even listening



Be in God’s fraternity

for eternity

yes learn for free

Flee wickedness like an emergency




I’m in forever glory

writing raps for a ceremony

Shining light is my territory



Satan’s plan is a catastrophe

Attacking God’s word is his strategy

Many are deceived it’s a tragedy

The wicked are no match for me

I stand with God factually

I do it day by day actually



When I look at tv something is amiss

there is vanity like the abyss

in deceitfullness like a kiss

I don’t want worldly bliss



Being underestimated

was an understatement

a corrupt world I was faced with

in lies it was laced with

But god’s word prevails just face it

Heaven and earth he made it

I got eternal life and won’t trade it

Being wicked doesn’t make sense

I fear God, that’s my final statement



The holy rapper

is finally established

Don’t ever try to fight this

I am in his likeness



He made you legit

who is you with

The great I is

Oh the great I am

Is you just a fan

Or a man that takes a stand



My souls was in dialysis

Slowly God’s word was fixing it

Now I flourish like photosynthesis

Every sentence is

A witness with

Those who walk in righteousness



I want a heavenly residence

I ain’t sellin it

With Holiness I ain’t ever sick

The devil ain’t ever fit

I’m in the room and he is an elephant



The Lord says the legs of a man aren’t impressive

Even if it’s Clay and Stephan

My rhymes don’t just make an impression

the holy spirit is in session

God’s son is #1 no contestin



Try God

Non stop

your soul’s been bought



Never sinning

Heaven’s winning


Never call me cowardly 

when I stand for God hourly


The fear of God is wisdom

So start with that and then love his son

stay on that path until your work is done


There is an ungodly nation

The forsake the poor to follow Satan

More money more money is their final statement

The abide in sin and hell is their final placement



Don't just say one prayer to the King

Like he's some flavor of the week

The prayer of the humble and meek

Are the ones he keeps


The proud be starting beef

I want the poor flying for free

I'm the man you see

I got the plan for the meek

by when I speak

the wicked be sleeping on the King



If Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit

The how come most Christians don't hear it

The Word of God they don't fear it

How about blessed are the peacemakers

when just being kind is a huge favor


The methodist and lutherans

Be arguing whose really in

When most are living in sin



Every soul say hallelujah

God turns worldly winners into losers


They say the end of a thing is better than the beginning

If you in the word you know that we winning



God's people be stressin

the wicked be full court pressing

But God means it for a blessing



Capital gains

are the wicked's factual fame



The wicked plots against the just

so faith in God is a must


This ain't a trend

God's word is in


Faith works

Pray church 

sin wages hurt


cast down are the workers in iniquity

the righteous do differently

a crown of glory is our ending

while shame is the wicked's finishing


I play to win

God's word is my defense

my foolishness is past tense

I say no to sin

I will be exalted among men



that's what I do

write rhymes in my room

God tells me who's who

The wicked don't have a clue

God's word is true



Being average 

Is not attractive


My poetry

is a flow for free

but don't say no to the king

I guess it's for more glory for me

I'm cool with Jesus, but God won't give his glory to another see




I have more rhymes, if you like what you hear, send me a message on my twitter at Awake afflicted Jerusalem and maybe we could work together on your album.