The reason Jews reject Jesus today and forever is because Jesus simply did not fulfill what the
prophets said the Messiah would fulfill. To accept Jesus as the Son of God requires one to suspend all
rational thought and simply go by faith. Some reasons why Jesus is a false teacher have been shown to
the world for thousands of year. However, I have special insight that gives me knowledge and
understanding which greatly expand the old teachings. This knowledge and understanding comes from
being a real Christian for a few years and then leaving the faith for the rock of God’s word. I say real
Christian, because the vast majority of people who call themselves Christian are not. Most people who
say they know Jesus to be God, cherry pick a few verses and build their entire faith around them. Prior
to leaving Christianity, I had a real faith in Jesus Christ. I would spend hours everyday reading the new
testament and was 100 percent sure that Jesus was God. However, around five years ago I started
noticing that the messianic verses Jesus ascribed to himself were clearly not about Jesus. His life
contradicted the verses and some verses didn’t even have the correct wording. Yes, some verses in the
new testament are completely different from the old testament verses they claim to fulfill! My goal is
not simply to destroy your faith so that you cease obeying God’s commands. Instead, I want to replace
your faith in Christ with a true fear of God that will leave you completely satisfied in this life and the
next. Most Christians have no clue what the new testament actually teaches. They talk about the good
news of Jesus, but fail to understand, that for most, it is not good news, but terrible news. In fact, no
God could possibly be more terrifying than the new testament God. Yes, some go to heaven. However,
most end up in a lake of fire forever. In the old testament, many people go to heaven. To be fair, many
people end up being the object of God’s wrath also, but everyone has much better odds. Furthermore,
the new testament teaches that if you truly are in Christ as they say, you will suffer in this life. Maybe
you won’t get crucified like Jesus, but suffering is required. I will lay this out clearly and in more detail
later. To those real Christians who already know that suffering in this life is required by Jesus, this book
will be a relief for you. Imagine, being blessed instead of persecuted. Imagine, a stronger confidence in
God than you have ever had. To the sort of John 3:16 Christians who only know a few bible verses, the
God I will teach you is the one you want to worship anyway.